My This Life

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Post Holiday Laundry

So much laundry to do after Holiday :(
Spend nearly half a day washing all the clothes.....

That's the price to pay for Holiday.

Did you have your holiday too during this long break?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Korean Dinner

Meimei and I had Korean dinner tonight @ Heeren. It's our 1st time. We both enjoy it and had a great time. I have been nagging her to watch My Lovely Samsoon. Hopefully she will do it while I'm away in Krabi, ha.

After dinner we window shopped for awhile - Mainly looking for evening dress for our coming D&D in Dec which the theme is Hollywood Night.

Now I'm exhausted. I will go shower & probably pack alittle for tomorrow's trip :)


2 months ago when I booked our air tickets to Krabi. It has been so long since we last travel on plane together. But why am I not too excited? Maybe because I'm worry the more excited I am the more disappointed I would be if the trip didn't turn out as good as I wish. So is it good or bad?

Anyway, I will let me hair down, relax and enjoy a good break :)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Friends Forever?

When we were younger, we always thought friends are forever right?
We signed off our schoolmates farewell autograph saying that, didn't we?

Why didn't the adults warn us that not all friends are forever?

Once upon a time, there is this person or persons in your life that you shared everything with including your dreams, fear & even love experiences with, you thought to yourself "Yes, I can trust this person, this is my forever friends"

But time is always the best time of all relationship, isn't it?

And why am I suddenly feeling that not all friends are forever? Because I have seen it & been through it myself. Yes it's sad to know that but I'm ok because I have more important things in life to achieve to focus on than some past faded insincere friendship.

I have tried my best, I have put in effort to maintain the friendship. It has come to an end which I no longer want to waste anymore time on it. If both parties or all parties are sincere & keen to maintain the friendship, wouldnt it be everyone's duty to keep strong & going?

Would I regret in the later part of my life for giving it up? I don't know. Maybe I will maybe I would. For now, I just dont wish to see or to know anything about people who don't worth my waking hours.