My This Life

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Breaking Point

They said it has reached the breaking point in our dept that there are so many resignation at 1 go.

I'm almost @ the breaking point in 1 area of my life. I've been very kind & understanding for a long long time. Nothing has been changed. I'm tired of going round & round the same problems same issues over & over again.

And what's worse? I'm the only partly in the situation working hard; taking initiative to try to make things work. I didnt succeed. Each time it just causes more doubts as to why I'm still holding on to it; pinning hope that 1 day things will be different.

But when will that 1 day comes? How long do I have to wait? It has reached my tolerable limit that I started to behave badly; I started being emotional. I feel like just letting everything go. Just Go! Don't think so much. Stop considering is it worth it. I'm tired! Just Tired.

Tried & Tired is just a different placing of 'r' & "i". Maybe it's because you tried & tried so much that you even get tired of trying, you give up.

Friday, March 17, 2006


There's has been quite a no. of resignation inthe dept recently.
It started w the guy who our boss always target @. No matter what he does, he can never escape being criticized & scrutinized. Partly it's his fault that he never once fight for himself whenever he was "attacked" by our boss.

I guess to some people their mentality is that don't argue with the boss you will be safe. Just do what the boss says you will be fine. That's so not true. It's because of his constant silence whenever our boss make unreasonable demand that allowed our boss to push him over & over again.

Even after he tendered, he still doesn't speak up for himself. He still speak so softly that our boss has to say "hah...what? what are you talking about? I can't hear you!!!"

Anyway, after his resignation, there were 4 others. Somehow it never occur to our boss that he could be the root of the problems. It's a pity to see real good & capable colleagues go.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


This weekend on Class 95 Fm is all 80s weekend.
I love 80s more than any era.
Guess it's because it's the most carefree days of my life.
Exploring new things in life, moved to new home, got my 1st boyfriend, had my 1st broken heart, 1st all happened inthe 80s.

While I listened to those familiar songs they brought back those feelings I used to have. While it brings back fond memories, I'm sad @ the same time. Where have all the good time gone?

Why cant I continue to live my life as carefree as I used to be?
Why cant I make decision w/o fear like I used to be?
Why why why......